
Start your Journey – Rebel Runners Free Couch to 5K is under way!

Get from your couch to running 5K in just 8 weeks with our free programme! There’s still time to join it! Email membership-rebelrunners@outlook.com

If you are wondering what to expect from Rebel Runners, earlier this year we worked with Dan and Jake, who are film makers and were looking to create a sample narrative advert about a running club for their portfolio. We are really proud of the end result, which captures the journey many of us are, or have been, on and shows what being a Rebel Runner is all about:

Rebels in the media:

In January 2024 KMTV visited Rebel Runners at one of our weekly track sessions and asked some of our members about the club. You can find the result by clicking here!

Why join Rebel Runners?

As our name suggests, we are a running club based in the Medway area of Kent in the South East of England. Formed in 2014, we are now one of the largest and best known clubs in the area, renowned for our friendly and supportive nature. As a club, we’d love to help with your running journey, give you the support you might need and maybe help you make new friends.

Here’e the experience of one of our members:

“I moved to Medway and needed something to keep my running journey going and I was new to the area so it was a good opportunity to meet people. Not only did I meet some of my closest friends now but I also met the man who is now my husband on a run!”

What Rebel Runners~Medway offers:

* Affiliation to UK Athletics as part of our membership. This grants you discounts on UKA recognised races, and other member benefits.

* Team runs (Monday at 7pm and Thursday at 7.30pm) led by our fully qualified Run Leaders (LiRFS) which are suitable for all abilities and regularly risk assessed to ensure that they are as safe as possible.

* A weekly session on the running track at Medway Park led by our fully qualified Coach (Wednesday at 6.45pm)

* For members and non members we offer a 8-9 week, coach led, ‘Couch to 5k’ programme each year, which will help get you fit enough to be able run 5 kilometres (3 miles).

* Several Facebook groups to:

* provide support and advice on your running activities

* coordinate running activities and member meet ups

* provide a online space to socialise with other members.

* Access to the Rebel Ballot for a London Marathon place(s)

          * Trained specialists to assist with mental health and menopause issues and how running can help

Where to find out more

Membership is currently open – have a look at the New members Pack to see the benefits and you can request to join our Facebook Group.

You could also look at our latest Newsletter  to find out some of what we have got up to recently, and how our members have found motivation.

Should you already be a runner and would like to find out a bit more before you decide to join us, we offer a free trial – come along for a month and test the waters. Once again, to find out more please contact membership-rebelrunners@outlook.com.